Postdosctoral Researcher, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Koç University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Merve Acar received her B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2012 and Mechanical Engineering in 2014 from Ataturk University of Erzurum, Turkey. She received her M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Ataturk University of Erzurum, Turkey. She is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey.

Her current research interests include the 2D materials, FETs and biosensor applications. She currently works on 2D material-based biosensors under the supervision of Dr. Kuşcu.

[  Education   |   Publications   |   Activities  ]


Ph.D., 2020, Ataturk University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M.Sc., 2014, Ataturk University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.Sc., 2014, Ataturk University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.Sc., 2012, Ataturk University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


submitted papers
journal publications
  1. M. Acar, S. Mobtakeri, H. Efeoğlu, M. Ertuğrul, and E. Gür, “Single-step, Large-area, Variable Thickness Sputtered WS2 Film-Based Field Effect Transistors,” Ceramics International, vol. 46, issue 17, pp. 26854-26860, 2020. j.ceramint.2020.07.161
  2. M. Acar, M. Ertuğrul, and E. Gür, “Transfer-free, scalable vertical heterostructure FET on MoS2/WS2 continuous films,” Nanotechnology, vol. 33, no. 47, 2022.
  3. M. E. Güldüren, D. İskenderoğlu, H. Güney, E. Gür, M. Acar, and S. Morkoç Karadeniz, “Investigating the influence of Ni doping on the CuO thin films deposited via ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: Structural, optical and H2 gas sensing analyses,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022.
  4. M. Acar, “One step sputtered MoS2 field-effect transistor,” Micro and Nanostructures, 2022.
  5. M. Acar, and E. Gür, “Sputtered 2D transition metal dichalcogenides: from growth to device applications,” Turkish Journal of Physics, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 131-147, 2021.
  6. M. E. Güldüren, D. İskenderoğlu, H. Güney, S. M. Karadeniz, M. Acar, and E. Gür, “Structural, optical, and H2 gas sensing analyses of Cr doped CuO thin films grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023.
conference papers
  1. H. Shamsi, M. Acar, O. Oyar, I.Y. Özbek, A. Hacımüftüoğlu, E.A. Oral, B. Çavuşoğlu, E. Sönmez, T. Karacalı, M. Ertuğrul, “New Silicon Based Multisite Microelectrode Fabrication for Neurotransmitter Concentration Detection,” presented at the 10th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-21, 2014.
  2. M. Acar, H. Shamsi, O. Oyar, I.Y. Ozbek, A. Hacımüftüoğlu, B. Çavuşoğlu, E.A. Oral, T. Karacalı, E. Sönmez, M. Ertuğrul, H. Efeoğlu, “Microelectrod fabrication for diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders,” presented at the SIU 2015, Malatya, Turkey, May 9-11, 2015.
  3. M. Acar, G. Aras, I.Y. Özbek, E.A. Oral, B. Çavuşoğlu, “Biocompatible Ceramic-Based Microelectrod Fabrication For Diagnosis And Treatment Of Brain Disorders,” presented at the ICENS 2016, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 24, 2016.
  4. M. Acar, H. Shamsi, O. Oyar, I.Y. Özbek, A. Hacımüftüoğlu, B. Çavuşoğlu, E.A. Oral, T. Karacalı, E. Sönmez, M. Ertuğrul, “Fabrication of A New Ceramic Based Microelectrode for Measurement of Neurotransmitter In The Central Nervous System,” presented at the ELECTROTECH 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4, 2015.
  5. H. Koç, K. Gülşah, M.D. Geyikoğlu, M.E. D., M. Acar, B. Çavuşoğlu, Y. Özbek, E.A. Oral, A. Hacımüftüoğlu, E. Sönmez, “The Effect of Bazal Noise Reduction Method for Improving the Limit of Detection LOD of the Microsensor on In Vivo Neurotransmitter Analysis,” presented at the ELECTROTECH 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4, 2015.
  6. M. Acar, G. Aras, I.Y. Özbek, B. Çavuşoğlu, A. Hacımüftüoğlu, “Amperometric Brain Sensors for Monitoring Dopamine Concentration,” presented at the Nanotr -13, Antalya, Turkey, October 22-25.
  7. M. Acar, “Fabrication of WS2 Field Effect Device,” presented at the ISASE 2018, Erzurum, Turkey, November 26-28, 2018.
  8. M. Acar, S. Mobtakery, E. Gür, “Field-Effect Transistors on Large Area a Few Layers WS2 Grown by Sputtering,” presented at the ICONTRENS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, August 6-8, 2019.
